By: Kenneth Rapoport, Founder and CEO, Electronic Environments Corporation (EEC)

Electronic Environment Infrastructure SolutionsThrough my experience and hands-on approach to running Electronic Environments Corp. (EEC) for 28 years, I’ve witnessed what can make or break a facility. During this time I’ve seen trends within the industry – some that stuck and others that dissipated.

With a new year upon us and technologies like cloud, mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT) evolving at an unprecedented rate, data centers are undergoing massive-scale transformation that is changing how these facilities operate on a fundamental level.  If you are a data center owner or operator, or intend to be one in the future, you should pay close attention to three developing trends this year: in-row cooling, eco-mode for Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems and rack-mounted Power Distribution Units (PDUs).  By embracing these new trends early on, you can ensure your facility is ahead of the curve, by offering the most modern technology solutions and accommodating a wide variety of customer needs.  Let’s look further into exactly what these trends are and how they can help you create a superior data center environment:

In-Row Cooling

rowcoolingWe’ve seen a significant increase of in-row cooling units being installed in lieu of perimeter Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units thanks to the many benefits these new systems can offer.  Providing more efficient cooling with heat exchange close to the server loads, this arrangement generates a reduced need to cool the entire room by simply cooling the cold aisle – a perfect fit for high-density loads.  Additionally, this approach is now available in all of the traditional cooling methods including air-cooling, water/glycol, chilled water and some of the new liquid refrigerant options, giving operators a wide array of choices when deciding which method suits their individual needs.  I expect this will be more prevalent in smaller enterprise data centers and server rooms throughout the coming year rather than larger colocation spaces due to the nature of the technique.  Easy to install and maintain, in-row cooling is a great incvestment to look into for your mission-critical facility.

Eco-Mode for UPS Systems

Eco-mode is an energy-saving feature for the modern day data center in which the UPS switches to operate in bypass mode with some minor filtering.  In essence, this new power system provides energy to the load from the bypass source without the electrical load of the inverter, realizing substantial savings on electricity costs.  With this model, the UPS is capable of switching back to the on-line mode without disrupting the load if the utility source goes out of tolerance, saving you time, money and headaches when powering your facility.  An excellent example of a situation in which this type of power could be highly effective is within redundant architectures where the one UPS system is on-line feeding the A-side distribution, while the other UPS system is feeding the B-side distribution in eco-mode.

Rack-Mounted PDUs

Rack-mounted PDUs are unique in the fact that they place power where it is needed most –in the racks near equipment.  These new PDUs can also include current monitoring and outlet control over the client’s network, making operational management easier than ever.  The system does not come without drawbacks, however, as it can be expensive and requires regular management by the IT department, so this trend will most likely proliferate within large enterprise data centers and colocation facilities in 2015.

If you’re interested in learning more about the latest in data center technology or looking to find the right solutions to fit your unique needs, EEC is here to help with hands-on attention and customized solutions to help you get the most out of your mission-critical facility.  Learn more about EEC by visiting our website at, or email