Originally posted on Data Center POST
Aqua Comms, a leading provider of global subsea connectivity services, launched CelticConnect-2 (CC-2) and North Sea Connect (NSC) as part of its ownership of the Havhingsten cable system. CC-2 is now the second unrepeatered system of Aqua Comms between Ireland and the UK with diverse landings into the Isle of Man (IOM). Aqua Comms CC-1 and CC-2 systems provide customers with high-capacity connectivity between major hubs for carrier, cloud and content markets.
Aqua Comms NSC system delivers diversity between the UK and the Nordics connecting the Stellium Data Center at D9’s SeaEdge-1 in Newcastle, UK and Blaabjerg, Denmark which is home to Aqua Comm’s AEC-2 Trans-Atlantic cable system. Combined with the CC-2 system, NSC completes Aqua Comms North Atlantic Loop, offering next generations cable systems and diverse routing capabilities from the United States, Ireland, the UK and continental Europe.
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