As a component TMC’s 2012 ITEXPO, the Synopsis under IP/Patents Telecom Sourcing Conference (SUITS) will be featured.  This event, taking place in Austin, Texas on October 2-5 at the Austin Convention Center, will enlighten attendees on how to protect patents and intellectual property, and learn about licensing and legislation rights.  With featured speakers including executives from Cisco, Siemens Enterprise Communications, 8×8, Inc., Alston and Bird LLP, Ameliowave, Juneau Partners and Open Invention Network, attendees will be educated on patent laws and how it effects their companies.

Day one of the event, on October 2, will consist of CLE training.  Hosted by Todd Juneau, Registered Patent Attorney at Juneau Partners, topics including new patent laws, patent issues for small businesses, patent licensing, patent litigation, how to read a patent, and many more will be introduced.  On day two of the SUITS conference, taking place on October 3, keynote speakers will touch upon guidelines for analyzing the patent of landscape, IP law and policy changes, “patent aggregation wars,” and many more points of discussion.  This conference will educate telecommunication innovators including developers, implementers, licenses, licensors, end users, carriers and enterprise patents.

Not only will the SUIT conference be comprised of impeccable keynote speakers and points of discussion, but registration of the conference automatically enlists them in a drawing to win an Apple iPad2.  Prizes will be announced and distributed at the Basic Solution Booth on October 4 at 4PM.  Register now to win!


For more information regarding the SUITS Conference, please visit