Originally posted to Data Center POST by Kathy Xu
On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 12:00 p.m., Hutchison Global Communications Limited (HGC) President of International and Carrier Business, Andrew Kwok, and China Telecom Global Limited (CTG) Executive Vice PresidenDatat, Ou Yan, met in the International Telecoms Week (ITW) Press Room to sign an official peering agreement between their unique Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) networks. This collaboration will enable HGC’s service provider and Mobile Network Operator (MNO) customers to expand their coverage across mainland China, generating the opportunity to reach more than 200 individual mobile users via a highly diversified network. In addition, CTG’s global coverage will be extended by way of the expansive Hutch-IPX network reach.
In working together, these two organizations enable one another to meet the demands associated with growing traffic generated by 4G data roaming, mobile signaling and Voice-over-IP (VoIP) solutions, as well as advanced IP services including Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE), HD video calling, media content delivery and OTT services. HGC has previously partnered with CTG for voice and mobile; however, this new agreement will enable the exploration of new business opportunities.
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