Originally posted by CloudTweaks

Cloud Connectivity

Global CapacityIndustry analysts that follow enterprise organizations and the proliferation of Cloud computing are in overwhelming agreement: the Cloud is growing, and its proliferation is forever changing the business landscape. By 2018, more than 60 percent of enterprises will have at least half of their infrastructure on Cloud-based platforms.

Where enterprises are concerned, today’s Cloud is a complex ecosystem of networks, data centers and applications – one however, that is essential for them to reach in order to better manage their workloads and access business-critical applications. By 2017, analysts predict 35 percent of new applications will use Cloud-enabled, continuous delivery and DevOps lifecycles for faster rollout of new features and business innovation. The growth of business applications is causing a fundamental shift in where the Cloud is sitting, moving from the four walls of the enterprise to third-party data centers.

Growing Ecosystem


A broad range of computing resides in the data center, from enterprise and content colocation, to direct connections to major Cloud providers such as Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and more through the aggregator of the Cloud ecosystem: the Cloud exchange. Cloud exchanges interconnect an ecosystem of computing platforms, cloud service providers and transaction systems within or between data centers. Data center facilities with strategic locations, ample power and a high level of interconnectedness are critical to the creation of successful Cloud services. While most data centers have optimized high bandwidth connectivity between their facilities to aid in rapid Cloud connectivity, the challenge of performance and reliability over last-mile access connectivity to the business Cloud user still remains a challenge.

To view this article in its entirety, visit http://cloudtweaks.com/2015/06/cloud-connectivity-data-center-enterprise-user/.