As originally written and published on TeleGeography
New data from TeleGeography’s Global Bandwidth Research Service reveal that international bandwidth grew 44 percent in 2014, to reach 211 Tbps. The 65 Tbps of new capacity deployed in 2014 are comparable to nearly the entire amount of bandwidth in service globally in 2011.
This rapid capacity growth is driven by a changing mix of global network operators. Private networks, particularly those of large content providers, account for a growing share of international bandwidth, even surpassing Internet bandwidth on the trans-Atlantic route last year. Consequently, network operation has become a core part of the business for some of the largest content providers.
With the largest content companies building their own networks, it might appear that little opportunity exists for traditional network operators. However, not all wholesale customers can achieve as large of a scale as content companies, leaving substantial demand for purchases of more granular increments of capacity.
To read the entire post, please go to the Telegeography website here.