Originally posted to Data Center POST
Data Center POST interview with Richard Greene, Managing Partner, Liquid Technology
By Contributing Editor Sarah Chamberlain
Richard Greene is Managing Partner for Liquid Technology, an industry-leading IT asset disposition (ITAD) service provider. As a founding member of the company, Richard has been instrumental in helping the company evolve into a trusted IT life cycle partner, data destruction specialist and recognized e-Steward Certified recycler. He began his career in the electronics industry, eventually serving as Director of Internet Security Services for Globix and finally establishing Liquid Technology. Armed with a deep expertise pertaining to asset liquidation and operational wind-down, Richard establishes Liquid Technology’s business partnerships and contracts, oversees international projects and facilitates company growth.
Notably, Liquid Technology recently opened a new facility in Chicago at 487 Thomas Drive, expanding their services beyond their original New York location to offer customers additional services and access to their IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) Solutions.
Data Center POST recently spoke with Richard about the company’s new Chicago location and what he wants the industry to know about Liquid Technology.
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