New NSF Board launches world-class website and an updated charter with the motto “Serving Those Who Serve”

Ft. Campbell, Kentucky June 6, 2019The Night Stalker Foundation is proud to announce their latest efforts to promote and elevate the mission of this important organization. As of June 6th, following a recent week of Night Stalker Activities at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, the Board Chairman of the Night Stalker Foundation, LTG (Ret) Kevin Mangum, announced the new Night Stalker Foundation Board including a refocused charter with the motto “Serving Those Who Serve” and the launch of a world-class website, powered by Muratek.

The Night Stalkers are the Soldiers of the elite 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne), made famous by their depiction in the movie, “Blackhawk Down” and other post 9-11 missions.

The newly revised charter and by-laws are tightly focused on the support of Night Stalker Soldiers and their Families through Scholarships, support of Families of Fallen Night Stalkers, serving Family Needs and in continuing the Legacy of the Night Stalkers.

The Board includes former Night Stalkers who have entered the business world, as well as a broad cross-section of corporate executives, all of whom are devoted to caring for Night Stalkers and their Families.

In addition to the Chairman, LTG (Ret) Kevin Mangum, who currently serves as Vice President – Army Programs at Lockheed Martin, the board also includes LTC (Ret) Bill Golden, a former Night Stalker and currently a senior Operations Executive with Bank of America Merrill Lynch; Stratton Leopold, a Hollywood movie producer and ice cream entrepreneur; William Reed, a former Night Stalker and currently CEO of Castleton Commodities, International; CSM (Ret) Buford Thomas, a former Night Stalker and currently Senior Vice President of Training at Science and Engineering Services; Christian Walters, a former Night Stalker and Harley-Davidson executive and currently President of Stewart-Peterson, a commodity risk management company; and Duane Albro, a Vietnam veteran and current CEO of SQUAN, a telecom infrastructure company.

LTC (Ret) Bill Golden, a Night Stalker Foundation Board member and the prime mover in the refocus, noted, “This is a major step toward expanding the support of the current and former Soldiers and Families of the 160th SOAR (A). Our vision is to be a best-in-class charitable foundation by developing an endowment to meet the current and future needs of the 160th’s Soldiers and Families, using best practice governance and processes, with a world-class team of board members and officers.”

More information on the Night Stalker Foundation can be found on the newly launched website at

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Media Contact:

Laurenn Wolpoff
MRB Public Relations, Inc.
(on behalf of The Night Stalker Foundation)
(732) 758-1100 x 101