Originally posted on Data Center POST
The digital infrastructure industry has witnessed rapid change, with global internet traffic reportedly surging by over 40% in 2020 alone. As global digital transformation continues to gather pace, European countries are placing increasing emphasis on personal data protection through the adoption of new laws and regulations. Other European countries are embracing concepts akin to “data sovereignty”, meaning to keep data within a state’s own borders.
Portugal offers an unparalleled location for data centers committing to best practices in data protection rules and ranking as one of the most business-friendly, stable and open countries in the EU in terms of innovation, digitalization and technical expertise. A recent report prepared by Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, an international law firm, and PLMJ, a law firm based in Portugal, says.
The report, “Embracing the Challenges of Digital Transformation,” describes Portugal as a welcoming hub for large international technology companies and hyperscalers. The paper explores how Portugal specifically addresses data protection and cybersecurity challenges that arise when facing heightened digital demands.
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