Originally posted on Data Center POST

Scott Fuhriman was the SVP of Product and Technology at ColoHouse and has now been promoted to Chief Technology Officer. Scott will be responsible for leading and overseeing product, technology and integration strategies with execution oversight, set to transform ColoHouse. Scott will directly support the CEO and Board of Directors. 

Scott is honored to take on this new responsibility and opportunity at ColoHouse and is eager to further enable digital solutions for ColoHouse customers. Scott looks forward to continuing to add value, improve efficiencies, and enable growth during this exciting time in ColoHouse’s history. 

Recently, Jeremy Pease was appointed CEO at ColoHouse where his vision and past achievements in the data center industry will reinforce ColoHouse’s mission to deliver the highest quality IT services and provide customers with world-class customer support.  

Scott brings over 20 years of leadership and technical experience in service provider companies to his role as CTO. Scott originally joined ColoHouse via the acquisition of Lume Technologies in 2021 as COO. During his career, he has been successful in growing startups and established companies such as Lume Technologies. Prior to Lume, Scott spent 14 years creating, leading and scaling product, technology, operations and sales teams at TierPoint.

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