Located at the network crossing points between Mexico and the United States, the new PoP will strategically serve the Mexican market through carrier-neutral MDC, formerly McAllen Data Center

Rome, May 30th, 2018

Sparkle,  the  international  services  arm  of  TIM  Group  and  among  the  top  ten  global  operators,  announces the  expansion  of  its  Global  IP  Tier-1  Backbone  with a  new  Seabone Point  of  Presence   at  MDC  McAllen  in Texas, USA.

The  new  PoP  in  McAllen  is  Sparkle’s  fourteenth  in   North  America  and   it  improves  even  further   the performance   of   Sparkle’s   Global   IP   Transit   Service   offered   to   OTT’s,   ISPs,   Content   and   Application Providers  located in Central America with lower latency and improved traffic routing capabilities globally.

DDoS  Attack  Mitigation  Services   –   which  grant   customers   the  option   to   self-protect   their   network   – and   Virtual  NAP  solution  –  which  lets  customers  access  the  main  Internet  Exchange  Points  without  the need of building any infrastructure – complete Sparkle’s portfolio of services offered via the McAllen PoP.

MDC provides carrier-neutral colocation on the edge of Mexico with its data centers in McAllen, Laredo, and El  Paso.  The  company  has  been  successful  in  creating  a  strategic  interconnection  hub  for  networks  and content  providers  along  the  US  border  with  Mexico,  where  it  has  the  world’s  largest  concentration  of Mexican networks.

Sparkle operates one of the most interconnected networks in the world and has consistently ranked as one of  the  top  10  IP  Transit  providers  worldwide  and  #1  in  America  and  with  this  new  POP  will  bring  a  more complete coverage of networks from around the world to the MDC ecosystem.

About Sparkle

Sparkle  is  TIM  Group’s  fully  owned  Global  Operator  and  among  top  #10  international  service  providers worldwide, with a proprietary backbone of around 530,000 km of fiber spanning from Europe to Africa, the Americas  and  Asia.  Leveraging  its  global  IP,  Data,  Cloud,  Data  Center,  Mobile  Data  and  Voice  Platforms, Sparkle offers a full range of ICT solutions to Internet Service Providers, OTTs, Media and Content Players, Application  Service  Providers,  Fixed  and  Mobile  operators  as  well  as  Multinational  Enterprises.  Its  sales force is active worldwide and distributed over 36 countries.

Find out more about Sparkle at tisparkle.com

About MDC

MDC,   formerly   McAllen   Data   Center,   helps   network   operators,   content   providers   and   enterprises interconnect  with  major  Network  Service  Providers  on  the  US  border  with  Mexico.  The  company  is considered  one  of  the  fastest-growing  data  center  in  South  Texas,  presenting  a  unique  offer  of  reliable colocation  services  with  a  fiber  crossing  infrastructure  to  bring  networks  across  the  border.  Due  to  its geographic  proximity  to  Mexico,  MDC  serves  this  emerging  market  allowing  American  and  International carriers to connect to the largest concentration of Mexican networks in carrier-neutral facilities. For more information   visit   mdcdatacenters.com,   and   follow   MDC   Data   Centers   on   LinkedIn   and   Twitter   at @mdcdatacenters

Sparkle Media Contact:

Filippo Sanpaolesi
Head of Communication

MDC Media Contact:

Joel Pacheco
Head of Marketing