In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy the wholesale carrier community recognizes that there may be network operators challenged to provide services due to power failures, flooding and lack of fuel.  TeliaSonera International Carrier (TSIC), a global wholesale provider of Internet and Private Line solutions is currently fully operational in all three of its New York Metro data centers including:  111 8th Avenue and 60 Hudson Street in New York and 165 Halsey in New Jersey.  Each location has capacity to deliver IP, transmission and wavelength solutions as a primary or redundant connection to ensure network delivery.

As one of the world’s largest global IP backbone providers and a global Tier 1 network operator, TSIC owns, operates and manages its own network throughout Asia, the US and Europe including Russia.  Its network is highly resilient and can deliver speeds up to 100 Gbps, ensuring high bandwidth data is delivered efficiently.  To learn about how TSIC can help your company get and stay connected, contact