Originally posted by: Mary Stanhope, Vice President of Marketing at Global Capacity

Global CapacityMany regions across the country are seeing a building and redevelopment boom in commercial real estate. Cities like Dallas, where Global Capacity recently launched its metro fiber ring, are seeing growth as new owners are revamping existing towers and creating a multi-faceted city center. Improvements including common area upgrades, new smart utility systems, and modernized technology are attracting tech startups and entrepreneurial firms. Network connectivity also plays a critical role in the real estate boom, whether it is connecting people or machines.
connected_cityThe level of connectivity within commercial buildings has rapidly advanced in response to the Internet of Things (IoT), or the ever-increasing number of facility systems, business equipment and everyday objects that are connected over the internet, making reliable connectivity a necessity for any commercial real estate property today. Research from Infonetics shows that investment in M2M network connectivity solutions is set to triple by 2018. Additionally, a report from Microsoft, Accenture and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory shows how smart building solutions can also decrease energy use and costs.

Such solutions have helped lower the astoundingly high 40 percent of total energy consumption that commercial buildings contribute to today. To achieve this, these solutions collect and analyze data related to such thingsas under-performing equipment and alarm and energy management. Building decision makers now leverage intuitive smart applications to oversee processes and make decisions in real-time. This level of intelligence and connectivity has gone from being a luxury to a necessity for commercial real estate experts in order to lower costs and improve operations.

To read more about this article, please visit http://blog.globalcapacity.com/blog/the-role-of-connectivity-in-revitalizing-commercial-real-estate.