Originally posted to Data Center POST
By Contributing Editor Sarah Chamberlain
Data Center POST, Sarah Chamberlain (DCP-SC) Question: What trends are you seeing right now in the data center space?
Westin building Exchange, Michael Boyle (WBX-MB) Answer: Well, the current speed and quantity of technology changes in the data center and networking spaces are certainly disrupting traditional methods. Technologies like 5G and IoT (along with their increase in throughput and connected devices) and highly-scaled, mesh, ground-to-ground and ground-to-satellite networks are both changing the game. At the same time, satellite communication with promises of low and medium earth orbits and a new subsea era of 400G/800G interfaces are both opening up new opportunities for high capacity and connectivity.
Changes like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), the cloud shift factor, software-defined networks, and the global IP media move are all taking place at roughly the same time. This will likely result in an altogether different physical network and data-center architecture than the one we were looking at now.
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