cloudflare-joins-telehouses-laiix-and-nyiix-exchangesTELEHOUSE announced this week that CloudFlare will join its Los Angeles and New York International Internet Exchanges (NYIIX and LAIIX).

CloudFlare – a global content delivery network and Web security provider – accelerates and protects more than 4 million websites. Its global network spans 45 countries and 86 cities.

Why is CloudFlare partnering with TELEHOUSE? As CloudFlare Head of Infrastructure Nitin Rao explained following the announcement, TELEHOUSE will help CloudFlare take its global network presence to the next level.

“CloudFlare has a commitment to open peering and currently participates at more than 150 Internet Exchanges across the globe,” said Rao. “We are dedicated to improving the speed and reliability of the four million Internet applications that use our network across the United States. Working with TELEHOUSE will enable us to expand and strengthen our global network presence.”

TELEHOUSE will also benefit from the addition of CloudFlare.

“The CloudFlare brand has great name recognition and having them join TELEHOUSE’s Internet Exchange Points gives tremendous value to our peering members,” stated Akio Sugeno, VP of Internet Engineering, Operations and Business Development at TELEHOUSE. “I strongly encourage any network to join NYIIX or LAIIX and publicly peer with CloudFlare.”

TELEHOUSE, it should be noted, is growing very quickly. Peering traffic at NYIIX, for instance, has been steadily increasing at an average rate of 20 percent and peak traffic has climbed over 50 percent compared to 2015. Now celebrating 20 years in business, NYIIX is the largest peering exchange in the Northeast.

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