Global CapacityGlobal Capacity’s One Marketplace was the standout winner in the ‘Best Service Innovation’ category at Capacity magazine’s 2014 Metro Connect Awards, which celebrate companies that embody innovation, excellence and vision in the North American telecommunications industry.   The platform was selected for its innovative approach and development of Ethernet Service within its marketplace of networks, providing customers with the flexibility, speed and service options to cost-effectively extend Ethernet service reach across the globe.   The award reaffirms Global Capacity’s commitment to improving the simplicity of procuring Ethernet services in order to drive the continued growth of Carrier Ethernet.

One MarketplaceGlobal Capacity continues to innovate its One Marketplace offering year after year, providing customers with flexibility, speed and reliability to cost-effectively deliver Ethernet services across the globe.  One Marketplace eliminates the complexity and inefficiency found in the Ethernet access network market by combining an aggregated, interconnected, physical Ethernet network with a cloud application that automates the design, pricing, ordering, delivery and maintenance of Ethernet access services.

The leading network connectivity company was also shortlisted for the ‘Project of the Year’ category for its Cerner® Skybox Connect project as well as the ‘Best Technology Innovation’ category for its One Hub Interconnection solution.  The Cerner Skybox Connect project was recognized for its unique private network design, flawless delivery of health care cloud services and successful network migration in tangent with One Marketplace’s award winning services, while Global Capacity’s One Hub interconnection was acknowledged for its flexibility to allow customers to procure both Ethernet and TDM-based access services over an Ethernet interconnection and migrate to an Ethernet core and access services while still being able to utilize legacy TDM end links without additional, redundant equipment.

For more information about Global Capacity and its One Marketplace platform, visit