IT managers from New York to Silicon Valley are all asking the same question: would the real Tim Cook please stand up? You might be asking the same thing. So let’s take a look at these two men and make some comparisons to find out who is who.
On one coast, there is Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer at BlueOSS in Annapolis, MD. Cook resides in the Washington, D.C. metro area and is currently the overseer of BlueOSS’ strategy and vision. He spends the majority of his time influencing telecommunications companies on the ins-and-outs of the Cloud economy, the benefits of subscription-based billing models as well as Software-as-a-Service. On the other coast, there is his ‘dopplenamer’, Tim Cook, Business Executive and CEO of Apple, Inc. and successor of the late Steve Jobs (sans the white beard and classic black turtleneck).
So, who is the real Tim Cook? In addition to the same professional title and hair color, both have extensive experience in the IT and Telecoms space. Both use Apple products and attended schools in warm climates. BlueOSS’ Cook even shares Mr. Cook’s thoughts on the keys to his leadership: people, strategy and execution. Except for a difference in eye strength (Apple’s Cook wears glasses), you would probably be hard-pressed to tell them apart.
If you are curious about getting to know a little more about the Tim Cook in charge of BlueOSS, the best time to do so will be at the upcoming Enterprise Connect Show in Orlando, March 17-20. Enterprise Connect is the industry’s premier event focusing on systems, software, services, applications for enterprise communications and collaboration. This year’s event will feature leading market thought leaders, comprehensive analysis, in-depth technical sessions and the largest and broadest exhibition.
To get to know the real Tim Cook at this year’s Enterprise Connect, schedule a meeting with him at